Friday, October 19, 2007


What an interesting day this has turned out to be! What good news, learning that the wheel turns and with it comes the inevitable fall from high horses or the showing of clay feet. I am feeling nostalgic and low today, having received a letter from the current Minister of Education that a report sent in 19 months ago, is finally receiving attention. The report detailed years of hell suffered at the hands of a previous headmaster, who has remained smug in that he got away with atrocities committed against me and was never brought to book. But the wheel turns and now, hopefully, he shall get his dues. Nostalgia because it was a school that i loved to teach in and low because i cannot believe that i have been in this fight for 7 long years. How strange to be born and live through this particular time in history, 13 years after democracy was achieved in this country and to live through this transition, with its current situations and nuances, all which have affected me personally.

Apartheid is long gone, dead and buried, the men who affected the change lauded and commended, the Nobel Peace prize recipients, who cannot and will not ever know that an Indian woman is still suffering the effects of this time.

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